Organizado pelas professoras Thais Fonseca, Mariane Alves, Kelly Gonçalves, Viviana Lobo e pelo professor Carlos Tadeu Zanini do Departamento de Métodos Estatísticos da UFRJ, o grupo de leitura Modeling Epidemics terá seu primeiro encontro na terça-feira (16/06/2020). A descrição do grupo pode ser vista abaixo e detalhes tais como cronograma e outras informações podem ser vistos na página
Group description
This group aims to study the essential aspects of modeling epidemics and statistical models used to understand and predict outbreaks in disease modeling.
Currently, our meetings are held once per week to discuss articles published in reference journals about statistical epidemic modelling.
We meet using Meets platform to allow researchers around all locations to take part and to share their experiences. If you would like to join this reading group, please use the google groups ModelingEpidemics_DME_UFRJ to join the group and contact us. We will be glad to have you as a member of this reading group if you are interested.